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/ The Fatted Calf / The Fatted Calf.iso / Modules / BackSpaceModules / Source / AquariumView

Jump To: Directory (5)  |  Document (1)  |  Text (15)

Directories (5)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
AquariumView.nib3   FishFolder24   FishFolder.color18
FishFolder120   FishFolder212

Document (1)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
README.rtf Rich Text Format 4 3KB 1993-03-12

Text (15)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
Aquarium.h Text File 26 429b 1993-03-12
Aquarium.m Text File 86 1KB 1993-03-12
ColorFish.README Text File 12 439b 1994-01-05
Fish.h Text File 40 586b 1993-03-10
Fish.m Text File 175 4KB 1993-03-12
FishBrain.h Text File 39 636b 1993-03-10
FishBrain.m Text File 134 2KB 1993-03-12
Makefile2 Text File 39 772b 1993-03-12
Makefile3 Text File 40 850b 1994-05-21
MoreColorFish.README Text File 28 1KB 1994-01-18
RotImage.h Text File 42 973b 1993-03-12
RotImage.m Text File 113 3KB 1993-03-12
Thinker.h Text File 166 3KB 1993-03-12
Thinker3.h Text File 210 4KB 1993-03-12
wraps.psw Text File 18 352b 1992-03-18